Meet Our Club Officers

"Lot's of Combined Experience
Helping in Lot's of ways"

President - Anthony (Tony) Angelini
In 2016 Tony took an airplane ride as a "Fly Kids for Nate" ​gift recipient.
In 2017, while still in high school he joined our club and begin working toward his private pilots license. After high school and successfully getting his private pilots certificate he became an American Airlines Flight Academy Cadet, earning his Commercial Pilots certificate with Certified Flight instructor (CFI) and multi-engine ratings.
Currently, Tony is flying a Citation business jet and building his hours toward his airline aspirations. As a club member Tony has been quietly involved helping keep things running smoothly contributing his knowledge and countless hours of effort.
Tony's great ideas and energy is very much appreciated and will be instrumental in moving our club forward.
Vice President - Jaydeep Rathod
As a teenager Jaydeep wanted to be a pilot. He got his Private and Commercial Pilot certificates with an instructors rating and in 2015 started instructing at schools, clubs and with individuals.
Before going to work at Envoy Air as a First Officer on an E175, Jaydeep was a fixture at Hicks field, often seen with a student, many of them members of our club.
Jaydeep is known for his aviation knowledge and willingness to help others and is a welcome sight in our hangars. Jaydeep together with Tony as our presient, our club is in good hands for the future.

Secretary/Treasurer - Tom Barry
Tom is a manager with United Rentals Power and HVAC. He brings extensive leadership, project management and support skills to our club. As treasurer Tom handles club finances, collecting the income and paying the bills.
Tom is also very involved in monitoring inspections, oil change schedules and "squawks" for the club planes, often helping "hands on" in getting the work done. His extensive knowledge of mechanical stuff and willingness to help is a very much appreciated part in keeping our planes up and flying.
Tom's son - Tyler was the last "young Eagle" to fly with Nate and the inaugural president of the Nate Abel Flying Club. Tyler graduated with honors from the University of North Dakota in Dec 2019. Currently he is a First Officer with United Airlines.

Maintenance Officer - John "Pops" Abel
Pop's is a FAA certified A&P aviation mechanic and IA. He is in charge of maintenance for the clubs airplanes.
He joined the Army serving in Vietnam (Aircraft Recovery), as well as, Desert Storm (MedEvac) retiring from the military in 1991, he then went to work for the FAA, eventually retiring (again) in 2012.
POP's currently owns a Cessna 172. He has owned a Bonanza, Fokker dr-1 kit, Cessna 150 Aerobat, Cessna 195, an experiential category biplane, a YAK 52 and a Beech Travelair. His extensive experience makes him uniquely qualified to lead us in safely maintaining our planes in top flying condition.
Pop's is also active with the AOPA's Young Eagles program.
(Note: "Barb" and "Pop's" Abel are the parents of Nate. They have been very helpful in getting our club started and continue to contribute to the success of the NAFC. Thanks for all they do...)